Sunday, April 20, 2014

Matthew 28:1-10 (Vigil)

Year A - Easter Vigil or Hopeless Hope Vigil
April 19/20, 2014

As dawning arrives we hear again that we have been looking in all the wrong places for a next foothold. We’ve been projecting the past into the future without taking into consideration that it must pass through the catalyst of today.

Come, see the grave of yesterday. Set a new goal among the people, Galilee is just one of its names. The community you are living in now is a Galilee. See it anew.

Fear and Joy is better than fear alone.

As a duly authorized rock ready to die to your formulaic rules, be transformed to water to refresh dry bodies. There is work to do together for this rock will need water from another to sustain itself. Together we go forward. 

Wherever you may be this day, May your Fear and Joy dance together until both, assured,  leave the floor together, refreshed and refreshing.

And it was evening and morning, one more day.

[Locally we are expecting rain to begin for the day just after dawn. For the moment I will take that as confirmation of rock to water—may the cooling waters come down and April showers open tombs bring fruitfulness in their time.]

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