Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Isaiah 64:1-9

Year B - Advent 1 or Needed Change 1
November 30, 2014

We are so enamored of revolutions. We track history by its wars, its revolutions. Yes, we light fires to make ourselves known that our adversaries might tremble and overplay their hand.

Our revolutionary fervor is stoked by who it is that is to blame for the current untenable state of affairs. We’ll even blame G*D claiming G*D’s anger and absence made us fiery.

We need a new vision of G*D, beyond one who marks iniquity and never forgives or forgets it. We also need a new vision of ourselves. If we are not going to consider that we are all one people, why should G*D?

And so we come to an Advent question about our vision: Is G*D anticipating your blessing with a blessing or anticipating your foul-up with a curse? What do you see on the horizon and how will that affect your living today?

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If you are interested in following a daily devotional or to have past Year B comments in one collected spot, check out my new book Wrestling Year B: Connecting Sunday Readings with Lived Experience at http://amazon.com/author/wesleywhite

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